This dream won’t leave me.
That dream was, and “is” still BIG. Bigger than I’ve ever thought possible.
But then, when I often think of it, I don’t leave that thought without a surge of frustration masking me… “How in the world would this come to pass?” That’s the one question that replays.
And good enough if not worse enough, this dream won’t leave me.
If I tell you about this dream, you’ll think I’m crazy. I’ve tried to discard it, change focus, and look for something else, run away, but it keeps on playing in my heart.
Whenever I go off course, there’s a way when I look towards impact, destiny, and legacy; it’s this dream that I see. How would it come to pass? When would it come to pass?
Today, this dream resurfaced again, and it did so after asking myself what I truly want in life.
Searching different corners of my heart, this dream resurfaced once more. But today, I saw it with a different eye.
I saw it in a different light, a rather more purpose-filled one. And a little joy was birthed in me. I feel more receptive than before. No longer do I believe I will take it for granted.
And why do I think so?
Sometimes we go through things to get our eyes washed up, our ears unblocked so that we can come back again to the place we were before, to see once more.
Such times we see differently; we value differently. Because we have become different.
Life has showed us things; we’ve fallen down, lost, gotten up, tried, and we became rather more open to re-evaluating the valuable things that we may have discarded our dreams, our relationships, our family, our work.
Sometimes a little friction can help us value things we never valued in the first place. It’s like now you have seen the price of what you might have discarded previously.
That dream you’ve always had, don’t throw it away. Maybe you just need a little life friction to see its worth.
Maybe you need to grow up a little to see its worth.
I’m a bit scared of the journey that this dream is calling me into because I know this is the journey I must take. Not because I don’t have any other choice, but because it’s the only choice if I ever want to leave a mark, make an impact, and be an example for those coming before me.
Maybe, one day, I’ll share this dream with you, or maybe I won’t need to, because you’ll have already seen it alive and kicking.