The new man.
Actions are not a remedy for an identity crisis.
We never draw fulfillment from our actions.
Actions are not an answer to the search of the soul.
We are fulfilled from a place of rest, of understanding that we are fully filled by God, and so we act.
If you act or perform to become satisfied, that “satisfaction” becomes very short lived, temporary, and lifeless.
It’s like eating sugar. It’s sweet instantly, but the sweetness fades. And then you want more. You become an “action” addict.
Plus, you become prone to the cycle. Where you keep coming back the same place hungry, searching but never finding.
It’s like chasing the wind. You find it but never really find it.
Time passes, wrinkles form, all you do is search.
But in position to the identity that God gave you, in alignment to who you are in Jesus Christ, you cease to find, you begin to seek what you know you have.
The two are different. Seeking what you know you have comes with a joy, because you are about to discover. Finding something you know you don’t have is painful, frustrating, and might get you into a pit of hopelessness.
You are fulfilled, not really by “doing” rather by “being”
You don’t do to feel fulfilled. You don’t do to seek to identify with your performance. You do because you have already been identified by God.
But you must first accept that. You must accept a new identity, acknowledging that your own is insufficient. That your own is worn out and needs fixing, and you can’t really put up with it.
You must acknowledge that you need someone’s help. Not a man. Not a woman. But help from a “Saviour”, one who’s mission was and is to help you recover your true identity.
Acknowledging and accepting this new identity is one thing, and happens instantaneously. But receiving it is a process.
It is a process because a new program needs to be installed. Before it’s installed, we must uninstall an old one.
Your past, ideologies, thoughts, perspectives needs to be reworked. Some removed, and replaced.
And it’s a painful process.
You will die, daily. You will fade away.
It’s like how you can never fill up a full cup without first emptying it.
You are being poured out like water from a cup, and your cup is slowly being filled up with liquid gold.
A new person is being built. With new thoughts, attitudes, characters.
Your new identity begins to take form in your soul as it pours from the inner you.
People begin to see the new man or woman.
Your desires change. You begin desiring things that reflect your true nature — The God Kind.
Your actions become an expression of who you truly are.
Even when your actions are taken away from you, you have a place to go back to. A home to live. A place to belong. A place you can find your affirmation, your validation, you sense of worth, and your true identity — in Christ.