My 7 non-negotiable goals for 2024.
I took some time to meditate and even pray about my focus and direction in 2024.
If you’ve read my previous post, one lesson I am embracing this year is keeping things simple.
Here are my 8 nonnegotiable goals for 2024, that I’ll come back to on the 31st of December 2024 with a follow-up blog post to check and see how I did.
My supreme goal for 2024 is to build my discipline, consistency, and focus.
1.] Pray— I’ll develop a rather more yielded and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ through continuous prayer, meditation and obedience on a daily basis.
The Why: If I ever want to become all that He’s called me to be, do and have. I must be rooted in Him.
2.] Study — I will read through 24 books, at the rate of at least 1 in every two weeks, all focused on learning the secrets of the Kingdom of God, and uncovering practical truths that I’ll work into my life and see them make a difference.
The Why: If I ever want to live a fuller life, I must kick ignorance out of the door.
3.] Body— To build discipline, I’m going to practice body-building workouts consistently every single day, with the exception of rest days.
The Why: Discipline is a character I must build if i ever want to succeed across every aspect of my life.
4.] Write — I will write a total of 365 blog posts, one every day for the whole of 2024, with the prime focus on improving my writing and building discipline, and focus.
The Why: A valuable gift that I’ve never been intentionally developing. I want to use it to impact others through sharing a message of life, hope and truth. But also make money.
5.] Money — I will master the craft of copywriting, making anywhere between $1000 & $10,000 every month as a copywriter, with a goal of building my focus.
The Why: Cultivating focus and specialty.
6.] New thing — I’ll join a membership club for swimming and pick up swimming skills as my sport. To build discipline and consistency.
The Why: A hobby I’ve always wanted to involve myself with. It’s time.
7.] Giving — With the money I make, I’ll feed 12 families with a day’s meal.
- I’ll buy 12 of my friends a good gift for no real reason but to love on them.
- I’ll appreciate each of my 3 family members with a good wrapped-up gift.
- Share gratitude to my spiritual leaders with a gift too.
Perhaps you too should consider making non-negotiable goals for 2024.